General Pests
  1. Read about Problem Pest
  2. Read about Bees/Wasps/Stinging Insects
  3. Read about Rodent Control

With more than 94,000 species of pests living In the United States, there’s a very good chance some of them will find their way into your home. Some of these pests are simply annoying. Others can be dangerous and actually cause significant damage to your home and possessions. From aggravating allergies and spreading disease, unsanitary and costly conditions– seemingly simple pests cause billions of dollars in health costs and home repairs each year.

At Gallant we inspect, identify, and evaluate all the underlying reasons pests infest your home. Our Gallant protection plan effectively targets spiders, crickets, ants and other common household pests where they appear in your home. Gallant offers treatments that may include interior-exterior and perimeter treatments.

Our Service Includes

*Sweep down eaves and over-hangs for spider webs

*We treat soil and search for harborage areas

*No extra charge for re-treatments

*Free interior treatment upon request


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